Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Aryabhatta's pi value

The mathematical value pi has always been a curious number throughout history.

Here is Aryabhatta's version of the value of pi:

Lets split the words and understand the meaning:

चतुरधिकम् शतम् - Four more than hundred (=104)

अष्टगुणम् - multiplied by 8 (104 x 8 = 832)

द्वाषष्टि = 62

तथा सहस्राणाम् = of 1000 as such (=62000; totalling 62832)

अयुत द्वय = 10,000 x 2 (=20,000)

विष्कम्भस्य = of the diameter

आसन्न: - approximately

वृत्त परिणाह: - to the circumference.

In effect, 62832/20000 = 3.1416!

It interesting to note the large numbers he has used to arrive at Pi and the remark that pi is only an approximate value.


peekay said...

"It interesting to note the large numbers he has used to arrive at Pi"

rather than "arriving" at the value of Pi by "the large numbers" it is a method of representing the value 3.1416 by a method of add/multiply/add simpler numbers and converting the steps into verse .. making it easy to undestand/remember/recite

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